Work jeans keep on working

Today I am sharing photos of some repairs I have done to my boyfriends work jeans. In the agriculture and construction industry, the jeans taking a beating. And who wants to spend $50 bucks on new pants all the time. I find the biggest fixes for him are the pack pockets tear out at the rivet and the need for knee replacement surgery. So yesterday I ended up fixing 3 pairs of jeans.

Happy Days Sewing

This is a side hustle I am desperately trying to get off the ground. I can sew, have been doing it for a long time. probably about 50 years, when you think of myself dabbling on my grandma’s old Singer. I rented space for a while and tried the Farmers Market one season, but was not profitable. People would purchase a frozen and thawed coffee cake from a franchise, but rarely spent money on tangible items. You will hear me vent about this type of problem more, just not now.

I like making useful item. I also can fix those ‘holy’ work jeans, hem pants, and take care of those those little rips and tears. I’m a rather practical person and not into the trendy stuff; I find a lot of that rather wasteful. A person can buy a 10# tube of 90% hamburger at Sams Club for less than you would pay for a seasonal throw pillow. Not into doing alterations such a a wedding dress… would really hate to mess that up. Clothing is too expensive to just toss. I have piles of old jeans I can use for mending work jeans. I hope for this side hustle to take off and be profitable in 2024. I will share some of the items I am working on and how it is going as I work through the journey of self-employment. This all part of my plan as a means of crawling out from the depths of hell.