Unsure what title to use

Not sure what to use for a title, so I guess I will just share what I recently expreinced in the workplace. I feel this is part of what creates a toxic workplace.
I was a new person in a small group of people. This is a high turnover position and the most senior person had been there less than 18 months. She appeared to be a very unhappy person. Shortly after I started, our tead lead (tl) was doing some rounds and on the other side of my cubicle. I hear…. I hate new people. The tl totally agreed with her, stating you were not very nice to me either. Then a few weeks later, the tl comes thru and this woman loudly states…. I HATE BETH… and proceded to complain about my existance on the face of the earth. This time she used my name. And yes, I am on the other side of the cubile. The tl replies, yes i know. I brought it up and was told this is a known problem.
OMG….. In my mind, that is bullying! And is bullying not a form of work place violence, and is workplace violence not grounds for immediate termination. I guess not. This is a health care provlder and one of their areas of specialty is mental health treatment. LOLOL.. what a f-ing joke.
As for feeling bad about leaving — NOT!
NOT makes me chuckle when I think of Borat.

Leaving a toxic workplace

Today I am writing a quick note after leaving a toxic job. I will get into the details another time. But I woke up feedling better than I felt in a long time. Becuase I have a supportive loving boyfriend and a part-time back up job, I was fortunate enough to be able to leave this bad situation. I know I am forunate, as many people are not.
During my sleep this morning, I woke from a nightmare about being there working and the bullshit that went on; it was very disturbing. Then I became fully awake and realized it was really all a bad dream. This was when I knew I made the right decision in leaving. This frog has jumped out of the pot of boiling water. 🙂

Is this really how prospective employers treat people

Hi, Quick post today on my experience in looking for a “GOOD JOB” in the Des Moines, Iowa metro area. First… I have yet to find a good employer; one that will treat a person with respect, pay a fair living wage, and have reasonable expectations. I will be posting on this more, but in trying to find jobs and land interviews, it has been a terrible experience.

I will share more details in future posts related to recent experiences I’ve encouted from recruiters that have stood me up , not scheduled the interview with the hiring manager; and most recently, tell me they are unwaware of the job posting I was following up on. In the back of my mind, when this happens, I wonder if it’s part their hiring strategy. Are they testing candidates to see how desperate they are for work so they know how shitty they can treat people once they bring them in????

So this leads me to feel the self empoyment route is probably the real way to make money. I just need to get myself out there. I’ve started to try this, and will share some odd stories related to this also. Since this is a blog about trying to get ahead, no better place to put it out there than here. Hopefully I can get the comments section active so others can share their experiences also. I want to get it set up correctly so nasty, insppropriate stuff is not public.


FYI, still trying to master inserting normal sized photos for pending posts. As a reader of blogs, it drives me insane when one photo fills up my entire screen and the text is so spread out I can’t just “read it”.