I am not keeping up with this site

I am not doing as I intended with this site. The other day I had on a Mel Robbins podcast in the background and she touched on the good intentions and procrastination excuses type of stuff, kind of one of her typical topics. What I did hear was that you need to do something for 100 days with a blog of podcast to really get your content out there. This is a big goal, and maybe one I need to focus on. It is literally thinking and typing and getting my thoughts out of my head. And maybe, just maybe, someone will like what I think. Or better yes, I start a conversation… they type of conversation no one wants to be the one to bring up.

My biggest hang up is fear. I need to learn a lot to do this and make it work. It’s really not as easy as the people on youtube indicate. Like allowing comments and being safe and secure. But learning all this was part of my intent when starting up. I am the queen of good intentions – lol. I would be Mel Robbins’ greatest example of someone stuck, someone wanting better but holding themselves back, and at times, being my own worst enemey. Who knows, if i do this with a posting goal and things take off, maybe I will get a call from Mel herself to reach out encourage me to persevere and succeed. Guess I better get my site email up and running.

FYI, I did once get the oppourunity to talk to Martha Stewart.. it is true. About 20 years ago I was driving down the road and saw and eagle and thought, this is going to be a lucky day, and it was because I got to talk to Martha Stewart. This was when she had her own channel on Sirius. I was one of the lucky callers to get thru on her live talk show. She has about 2 minute of air time left, so I asked her about the safety of cream cheese frosting out on the counter.

Leaving a toxic workplace

Today I am writing a quick note after leaving a toxic job. I will get into the details another time. But I woke up feedling better than I felt in a long time. Becuase I have a supportive loving boyfriend and a part-time back up job, I was fortunate enough to be able to leave this bad situation. I know I am forunate, as many people are not.
During my sleep this morning, I woke from a nightmare about being there working and the bullshit that went on; it was very disturbing. Then I became fully awake and realized it was really all a bad dream. This was when I knew I made the right decision in leaving. This frog has jumped out of the pot of boiling water. 🙂


Hi, It’s Beth. Thanks for stopping by to check out my site.

This is my work in progress. I will definitely be adding more content in the future, as I have a lot to say. A little about what you’re going to see here is my take on how things are in the world for the average person just trying to get by. Not much of a photo person so this is going to be more wordy than cute. Just not into cute, never have been. The format will be more like reading a newspaper or magazine article – which is how I grew up reading and prefer to read today. One thing I will do is use news articles and other source of information to support a lot of what I say, or at least give reason behind the topic covered. But at times, no reason other than just saying what I think needs to be said.

Who knows, maybe this blog will be such as success it will raise me up from the depths of hell.