Gotta get it going

I have really got to get this blog going! I’ve sent myself numerous articles I want to talk about, could do a dialy rant and still have content to go off. Admittedly, I’m quite the procrastinator, especially when it’s about doing something new that’s not second nature. Learning WordPress is definitely new to me. Youtube makes it look so easy, but there’s much more to explore.

At this time I’m currently at home with the laptop on a card table while I watch youtube on the big screen. I’ve learned it’s best to take notes about what does and does not work, as there is no better way to learn than learning by ones mistakes. (if only I could apply that to my personal life – lol). So if you see some weird stuff, it’s just me learning the ropes on building my site. Sadly, you can’t yet contact me about the weird stuff you may see as I haven’t yet figured that part out. That’s probably what I need to focus on next – contacts and comments.

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