Not sure what to use for a title, so I guess I will just share what I recently expreinced in the workplace. I feel this is part of what creates a toxic workplace.
I was a new person in a small group of people. This is a high turnover position and the most senior person had been there less than 18 months. She appeared to be a very unhappy person. Shortly after I started, our tead lead (tl) was doing some rounds and on the other side of my cubicle. I hear…. I hate new people. The tl totally agreed with her, stating you were not very nice to me either. Then a few weeks later, the tl comes thru and this woman loudly states…. I HATE BETH… and proceded to complain about my existance on the face of the earth. This time she used my name. And yes, I am on the other side of the cubile. The tl replies, yes i know. I brought it up and was told this is a known problem.
OMG….. In my mind, that is bullying! And is bullying not a form of work place violence, and is workplace violence not grounds for immediate termination. I guess not. This is a health care provlder and one of their areas of specialty is mental health treatment. LOLOL.. what a f-ing joke.
As for feeling bad about leaving — NOT!
NOT makes me chuckle when I think of Borat.