Eating like a stuck record

Decided to add some info on eating cheap. This is not advice I hi-jacked from reading others ideas or the overly cheerful know-it-all youtuber. This is my speaking from real life experience. Eating cheap and eating healthy are really one and the same. When you cook and prepare your meals at home, you are eating healthy. And yes, it includes eating potatoes and pasta.

Many years ago, I was a single parent of a special needs child. I raised her alone, no family helped me out. Not even my own mother. Times were tough, as I worked graveyard shift and had about 3-4 total hours of sleep per day. Since she had special needs to ward off cerebal palsy, I felt it best to be home during her waking hours to do her therapy and developmental stimulation, as I knew she would not get this in a day care setting. But I had to pay rent, food and formula, diapers, car payment, child care expenses, health care expenes, and all those things that go along with being a responsible adult. So… I had to work. Overnights was the most logical answer. I was blessed to have a child that was a good napper like me. So when I say I know how it is to struggle to get by, I speak from experience. As I reflect back on this, these were actually the happiest days of my life. We were poor, but we were happy. I have many wonderful memories living on Grant St.

We had to eat. It was then that I learned to cook and prepare meals on the cheap. It had to be filling becuase I get hungry. I’ve always been a big eater. I dont mind left overs, and am not a food snob, so fairly easy to do. One word can best describe my main go to food. CASSEROLE. I ate like a Bee Gees record with a huge scratch, which means repeat repeat repeat until you move past the scratch to the next casserole aka-big scratch and repeat repeat repeat. I think you get the picture.

I carry a lot of that with me today. I rarely go ot to eat, it seems so wasteful. Today, I just wanted to say you can eat cheap and healthy. Potatoes and pasta never made me fat, but they sure do keep me healthy. (menopause and beer made me fat – lol) It’s all in the food prep, but that’s a topic for another day. Thanks for stopping to visit my site.

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